Archive for the 'Gosick' Category


First Impressions: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica & Gosick

I’m just going to do 2 anime in one post.

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica

Well first off, I kinda thought that the OP is a complete turn off (lol). From the opening, you’d think it’s just a crappy loli series.

Ignoring the OP, Madoka Magica looks to be trying to become the most solid magical girl anime. This is a series that I overlooked on my preview guide. It came to my surprise that it was actually good. If I have to make a comparison: Sakura CardCaptor meets So Ra No Wo To, Bakemonogatari and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. The visual of this anime is absolutely splendid as well the amazing soundtracks produced by Kalafina who also worked on So Ra No Wo To and Kara no Kyoukai’s music. It might be a series worth to watch to the end. You normally don’t see a magical girl anime with such quality animation and epic music. Normally, a magical girl anime would simply rely on a cute little girl fighting against weak weird creatures and villain without anything else. 7.5/10


Here is the childish OP but a good song nonetheless:

My expectations weren’t broken. It was boring. Enough Said…Post is finished…Ok I’m joking…about the post not about Gosick being boring. I will give credit that Victorique is quite cute and all but I kinda believe she doesn’t make a great detective. The fact that she only needs to be given an explanation of the criminal case to solve it without moving makes it a little bit boring. Her “Fountain of Wisdom” will gather “all fragments of chaos” to bring the “truth”. It sounds dull. The first case is also dull. It seems the current criminal case focuses more on the “why” than the “how”, because the “how” was lame. I hope the “why” will become interresting. The episode was lacking but you could say it was solid. 6.5/10



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